Papamichail Dimitris

qode interactive strata

Lab Teaching Staff



+30 213 2010 383

Office Address

196 Alexandras Avenue, 115 21, Athens, Greece

Office Hours

Monday 12:00-13:00 & Wednesday 12:00-13:00

Field of expertise: Epidemiology – Epidemiological Surveillance and Puclic Health of vulnerable groups

Dimitris Papamichail was born in Toronto, Canada and grew up in Athens. He graduated with honors from the Department of Nursing of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), holds two postgraduate degrees: a) in “Organization and Administration of Health Services” from the EKPA and b) in “Public Health” from the National School of Public Health (ESDY), and a Ph.D. from the Department of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

From 2007 until today, he has been working at the Department of Public Health Policy (formerly ESDY) of the University of West Attica as Laboratory Teaching Staff (since 06/2021). He has rich teaching experience, at postgraduate level, in the subject of epidemiology-epidemiological surveillance-public health with active participation in a large number of research projects and in carrying out six national epidemiological studies. He teaches epidemiology and research methodology, at postgraduate level, in Athens Medical School (EKPA) from 2007 until today, while at the same time he participates as a facilitator in European educational programs (EPIET, MediPIET) on the subject of field epidemiology.

Since 2013, he has systematically collaborated with the Department of Social and Developmental Pediatrics of the Institute of Child Health in programs and actions related to prevention in childhood.

During the period 2002–2007, he worked at the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance and Intervention of KEELPNO (now National Public Health Organization) and was coordinator of the Syndromic Epidemiological Surveillance Program of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

Areas of research interest: epidemiology, epidemiological surveillance, prevention of infectious diseases, vaccination coverage studies, child public health, public health and vulnerable groups, COVID-19 pandemic, outbreak investigation methodology and research methodology.